Oh my goodness, how can it be..... I think I am more than a little sentimental today. I am sitting here thinking back to all Josh's firsts! He has excelled at so much from; walking at 7 months, learning all his presidents at 4 (thanks Aunt Boochie), memorizing all the books of the Bible just driving to church and back, excelling at ANY sport he participated in (I have the huge case of trophies, plaques and certificates), school has always been a breeze, the drive he has to accomplish and reach his goals, competitiveness that drives him past what he may be capable of!!!!!! I am so proud of the man he has become! I have no idea how to "cut the apron strings" to let him be his own person. But, I know that I will have to start loosening the bow and letting him make decisions for himself and hopefully he will listen to the advice Mom has to offer....I love my boy!